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Tech Notes

Add a barcode to a Label Template

If you need to add a barcode line to your template, this technote will show you how. The 5160.lbx label template is a template you won't want to add a barcode to, as the label isn't wide enough to hold a barcode.

  1. From the Print Settings window, click on the Edit Template button.
  2. Click on the ab tool in the Toolbar to the left of the label template. Your cursor will turn into a crosshair.
  3. Position the crosshair in the area where you want to insert the field. Click and drag to draw the box.
  4. When the mouse is released, the Report Expression Window will appear.
  5. Type in the following expression:
  6. azbarcode
  7. Click OK.
  8. Close the label template and click Yes to save the changes. Before printing, make sure the Print Barcode box is checked.

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L.W., Tampa, FL