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Tech Notes

Manifest Mail: Manifest Parcels-Remove optional sortation levels

If you'd like to remove the creation of optional sortation levels like 5-digit and 3-digit, the instructions below will help you do that.

  • Browse to C:\Program Files\AccuZIP6 5.0\iPresort\INI Defaults\
  • Open the AdvancedSettings.ini file in any text editor
  • Add the following Section and Setting to AdvancedSettings.ini:


  • Close advancedsettings.ini and save the changes
  • Launch AccuZIP6. Presort your list again

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I just wanted to let your team know how much I appreciate you. I'm still fairly new at doing mail data processing, and it if weren't for your active support -- even for the not so smart questions -- I probably wouldn't be doing as well in this job as I am now. I have much more to learn as I have seen, but I just wanted to say thank you for your help! You all are wonderful!
T.B., Greenville, SC