Pause Printing

In AccuZIP6 5.0, you can choose to print continuously from the beginning to the end of a file, or you can choose to pause between containers or bundles instead.  Within the Print Settings window, you'll see a checkbox beneath the Print and Close buttons that says "Pause Printing".  Check it, and make sure that Preview and Create PDF are not checked, or the Pause Printing window will not appear.


Once you check Pause Printing and click Print, you'll be shown the Pause Printing window:


Pause Printing


In this window, the first section details when you want the pause to occur, while the second section is how you want the software to resume printing.  




Between Containers - Selecting this option will pause any time the "cont_id" field changes values.  This field only exists in a presort, so if you try to use Pause Printing from the List View, both the Between Containers and Between Packages options will be grayed out.


Between Packages - Selecting this option pauses at each package break, which is when the "gpb_id" field changes values.  Like the cont_id field, this option is only available when printing from within a presort.


When Data Changes in Selected Field - Selecting this option allows you to pause using any field you wish.  This option is the opposite of the presort fields, as it can only be used when not in a presort.  You can select any field from the database, and choose whether or not to order the database on that field prior to printing.




Manually by pressing the Enter key - The recommended method of resuming.  This will leave the printing paused until you press Enter, no matter how long that is.


Automatically after the specified time - This will buffer the first print run, and then pause for the specified time.  However, this does not take into account the time it takes your printer to print.  For example, you could set the pause to between containers, and the specified time resume value to 30 seconds, and the software will buffer the first container, then wait 30 seconds, and buffer the second.  If your printer takes more than 30 seconds to print the entire container, it would still appear to be one steady stream of pieces.  Unless this is set to a very high value, it's recommended to use the manual method.