Opening Fixed Length Text Formats

AccuZIP6 now has one of the best Fixed Length Text file importing features available on the market today, allowing you to easily define the field lengths.  After the format is determined, you can actually save the structure.  Then, the next time you have a file with the same format, you can simply choose the predefined Field Definitions.



Fixed Length Setup Window





Put your mouse over the edge or corner of the window and click and drag to expand the window for a better view.



Your objective is to determine the field widths in the Fixed Length File Setup window.  Your file data will be displayed in the Sample Record along with the name and location of the Fixed Length text file.  There are four different techniques for you to choose from when defining a Fixed Length Text file structure.  Each technique is described in detail below:


Technique #1 - Left Click and Plus:


Notice that the data from the fist field moved to the Sample Data area and AccuZIP6 filled in the field Type and Length.  Also notice the cursor in the Sample Record is now located at the beginning of the second field.



Technique #2 - Right Click:


Notice that the data from the fist field moved to the Sample Data area and AccuZIP6 filled in the field Type and Length.  Also notice the cursor in the Sample Record is now located at the beginning of the second field.  



Technique #3 - Type in the Field Lengths:



Notice that the data from the fist field is displayed in the Sample Data and AccuZIP6 filled in the field Type and Length.  Also notice that the cursor is located at the beginning of the second field in the Sample Record.



Technique #4 - Type in Field stopping points:



Notice that the data from the fist field moved to the Sample Data area and AccuZIP6 filled in the field Type and Length.  Also notice that the cursor is located at the beginning of the second field in the Sample Record and the Start data is one number higher than the Stop position of the last field.






You can use the Undo button  to go back to the previous field in the Fixed Length Setup window.  You can also click the Next Record button  to move to the next record in your list to help determine the field Lengths.



Saving the Fixed Length Structure:


You can save the Fixed Length Structure to use when you import Fixed Length Text files with the exact same structure.  We recommend that you use this feature to save yourself time with future imports.







You can use the Undo button  to go back to the previous field in the Fixed Length Setup window.  You can also click the Next Record button  to move to the next record in your list to help determine the field Lengths.