CASS Error and Warning Codes

This is a complete list of errors and warning codes that could be attached to a record when you validate it.  Even if a record is determined to be a good address, if any components of the address were altered or added, a warning code will be attached to the record.  If the record is undeliverable, an error code will be attached to the record.  These codes are filled into the field called Errno_.


AccuZIP6 can detect forty different kinds of errors when checking an address.  A single address will often have multiple errors.  Each kind of error is identified by a number, as shown in the following list.



Error group 1:  State not found

1.1 State not found

Error group 2:  City not found

2.1 City not found

Error group 3:  Street not found

3.1 Street not found

Error group 4:  Address not found

4.1 Address not found

Error group 5:  Can’t assign +4

5.1 Incomputable +4 range

5.2 +4 unavailable

Error group 6:  Multiple Matches

6.1 Multiple streets match

6.2 Multiple addresses match

6.3 Cardinal Rule multiple match

Error group 7:  Time/space error

7.1 Time ran out

7.2 Output too long



Warning group 8:  Company warning

8.1 Company phonetic match used

8.2 First company match used

Warning group 9:  State corrected

9.1 State determined from city

9.2 State determined from ZIP

Warning group 10:  City corrected

10.1 City phonetic match used

10.2 City determined from ZIP

10.3 Acceptable city name used

Warning group 11:  Street corrected

11.0 Address component Chg/Del/Add

11.1 Street phonetic match used

11.2 Pre-direction dropped

11.3 Pre-direction added

11.4 Suffix dropped

11.5 Suffix added

11.6 Post direction dropped

11.7 Post direction added

11.8 Pre-direction standardized

11.9 Street standardized

11.10 Suffix standardized

11.11 Post direction standardized

11.12 Street missing

11.13 Alternate address used

11.14 Address Standardized

11.15 Dual address-Used PO Box

11.16 Dual address-Used Non-PO Box

11.17 Street Alias match-Better delivery address exists

Warning group 12:  Unit/Box warning

12.1 Unit standardized

12.2 Unit missing

12.3 Unit not found

12.4 Unit unverified

12.5 Rural box not found

Warning group 13:  Leftovers found

13.1 Leftovers found

Warning group 14:  ZIP/Route warning

14.1 No ZIP Code Available

14.2 Incorrect ZIP Code was changed to correct ZIP

14.3 +4 changed

14.4 Route changed

14.5 +4 added

14.6 Route added

14.7 ZIP assigned for Multi-matched address

14.8 Unique ZIP match

14.9 Small town default match

Warning group 15:  Address Type warning

15.0 ZIP Code Changed

15.1 Highrise Default

15.2 Highrise Exact

15.3 Rural Route Default

15.4 Rural Route Exact

15.5 Early Warning System match.

15.6 LACSLink Conversion Match

15.7 SuiteLink Match - Suite Returned

15.8 SuiteLink Match - No Suite Returned

Warning A1 to A10: This indicates which Address block was used to code the record


Errors in groups 1 to 7 are serious enough to prevent AccuZIP6 from finding a ZIP+4 code for an address.  Errors in groups 8 to 14 are called warnings because they are not serious enough to prevent AccuZIP6 form finding a ZIP+4 code.


The following is a description of the AccuZIP6 error and warning messages in detail: