"Would you please pass along to the rest of the AccuZIP team how refreshing it is to have great support?
I was an Accuzip customer for several years and left almost 2 years ago thinking the grass was greener on the Bulk Mailer side of the fence. BOY WAS I WRONG! It was one of the worse decisions I made in a long time and actually switched back before my subscription was up with them, paying for an entire year of their software without using it. I was welcomed back, and your team got us up and running in no time.
The tech support with BCC which gobbled up Bulk Mailer was horrid at best. Very sterile and no personalities or willingness to help at all when you actually were able to talk with someone. Please feel free to give people my name if they are thinking of switching or questioning AccuZIP vs other suppliers."
C.H., Sandusky, OH

Increase efficiency and decrease postage costs with AccuZIP6 direct mail postal software
While several postal software products perform the steps necessary to complete mailings for yourself and your customers, AccuZIP6 sets itself apart from the pack by offering exclusive features that will improve your direct mail campaign, as well as friendly, helpful service and attractive pricing backed by our Price Lock Guarantee.
Free Training & Support
Remove the learning curve with walk-throughs of your mailings
Price Lock Guarantee
Ensure your annual subscription price never increases
HOme-Grown Technology
AccuZIP, Inc. has never been sold, with technology created and supported by AccuZIP
In Business Since 1992
Offering innovative products at low prices backed by staff that's eager to help
Fix address data more efficiently
Perform address validation and NCOALink move update processing, then quickly decide what you want to do with your undeliverables and other UAA addresses.
Use the Command feature to add even more value to your customers by quickly improving poor formatting and overall data quality, and by handling special customer needs that stretch beyond address verification, duplicate detection and presorting.
Unsure of how to price these services? Have a look at a few recommendations for pricing direct mail service in our Mail Made Easy presentation.
Mail cards, letters, flats, and parcels
AccuZIP6 allows you to presort First Class, Periodicals, Marketing Mail, and Bound Printed Matter. Drop ship to multiple destination entry points for postage discounts and improved delivery speed. Enhance this feature by using the built-in Threshold table to ensure you're only performing drops to locations that save you enough money.
Flexibility to fit within your business model
Create automated workflows for repeat jobs with the Script feature. Expand the capabilities of Scripting by including the Script Monitor and watch folders. Upon launching AccuZIP6, you can have it automatically monitor several scripts at once, and it will automatically begin processing files as soon as files are placed in your designated hot folders. Create different scripts for different piece sizes, different customers, different mail classes, whatever you wish.
Manually process other jobs for clients who need more specific tasks performed, including more detailed data massaging.
Extra features to handle customer demands
Merge/Purge Extraction
Compare lists and extract one list from another and more
Search Editor
Create complex searches to find the selection you need
Command Feature
No more cutting/pasting in Excel. Correct poor formatting quickly
EDDM List Creation
Build an EDDM List and generate a presort with facing slips
Free Software Support and Training
Every AccuZIP6 technician has a certificate of expertise from Idealliance as a certified mail professional. Our support staff will help you get quickly acclimated to the software and mailing in general by offering service in the following ways:
- Get free training tailored to your needs right after you purchase AccuZIP6
- Take comfort in getting mailings done right with walk throughs powered by GoToAssist
- Receive email replies within 15 minutes during business hours
- Get help through Live Online Chat from 8-7 Eastern with an average wait time of 20 seconds
- While AccuZIP6 technicians have the expertise to solve your problems, only friendly, charismatic, and caring people are hired for these support roles. We want you to have a pleasant experience when you speak with support, as if you're speaking to a friend.
Price Lock Guarantee
Take advantage of the opportunity to lock in your purchase price! As long as you remain a customer in good standing, we guarantee your renewal cost will never increase.
Our competition earns a reputation of raising prices come renewal time, often putting smaller direct mail service providers and print shops over a barrel. Now you must decide to pay a higher price for the exact same products and services (and in some cases, a more limited product) or face the difficult decision to change the procedures in place. Who has time for that? With AccuZIP, your annual postal software budget stays consistent every year, as we'd rather help you stay successful than put you in dire straits in order to make a little more money.
See the AccuZIP6 Postal Software program in action!
Please complete this form and we'll schedule a live demo. During the demo, send us a poorly formatted list that takes quality time for you to clean, and we'll show you how to accomplish this quickly in AccuZIP6. You'll also see AccuZIP6's speed in action while analyzing the quality of your list, and we can compare postage in AccuZIP6 to what you're currently paying.
To Order by Phone, Call (800) 233-0555
** All orders place prior to 3:00pm Pacific, Monday - Friday, except holidays, will be shipped the same day.
** All Editions include free software updates and upgrades, unlimited access to individual and group training, free technical support for the lifetime of your subscription.