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Tech Notes

Clear the memory used by AccuZIP6 while monitoring scripts

This is a great technique that works for others to clear the memory used by AccuZIP6 and refresh it.

For this to work, AccuZIP6 needs to be monitoring scripts upon being launched. In other words, when you start the AccuZIP6 program, it should be going right into the Script window with the Script monitor blinking automatically. If that's the case, then this command will work for you. The command is useful to those processing large files in addition to those running the Script monitor throughout the day.

Edit the last command in your script and add the line below as the final line in that command.


This command will Quit/Exit out of AccuZIP6 AND restart it, thus clearing all memory. When AccuZIP6 opens again, the Script window begins monitoring your scripts like normal.

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I do want to say that I deal with MANY software tech support departments, and yours is second to none, they never fail to resolve an issue and are always kind and courteous, that is sadly rare.
D.W., Fort Wayne, IN