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Tech Notes

How to get Saturation or High Density rates in AccuZIP6

Your database has to be in walk sequence order prior to opening it in AccuZIP6. If your list is in walk sequence order and you have a sequence number field in the database where the sequence numbers are in walk sequence order, then you can get the walk sequence saturation or high density rates in AccuZIP6.

When you open the list in AccuZIP6, make sure you assign the field named walkseq_ to the sequence number field in your list. If you don't have a walk sequence number field, you can add this sequential number field with AccuZIP6 Data Enhancement Services.

Assign your other fields as usual. If you’re presorting letters, then validate the list. If this is a simplified address mailing or if you’re presorting flats, don’t validate.

After validation, pull down the sort menu to Presort Mail.

In the Presort Setup widow, make sure you check the Include Carrier Route box. If you’re presorting Letters, make sure Machinable and Print Barcode are also checked. If you’re presorting flats, you won’t need to check the Print barcode box.

Enter your 5 digit ZIP Code, and if you plan on dropping mail at your SCF facility, check the SCF box.

Presort your list, and you should get saturation or high density rates.

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Your technical support people have been wonderful. I want to thank you for all your help. Accuzip6 is really a first rate organization.
K.H., Winchester, VA