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Design and placement rules for USPS Permit Imprint Indicia

Here are the rules for creating a Permit Imprint indicia and where to place it. 

What is Permit Imprint?

Permit imprint is a printed indicia, instead of an adhesive postage stamp or meter stamp that shows postage prepayment by an authorized mailer.


Permit imprint indicia must be aligned parallel with the address of the mailpiece and can be placed in one of these four positions:

  • Upper right corner of the mailpiece.
  • Upper right corner of the address area.
  • To the right of the address on an address label.
  • To the right of the address on an insert appearing through a window envelope.

Additional Placement Rules

  • Include a clear space of at least 3/8 inch around the entire indicia
  • The indicia content must be placed within a clear area no smaller than 1/2 inch high and ½ inch wide, and no more than 1-1/2 inches below or left from the upper right corner
  • The permit information is printed in no smaller than 4-point type.
  • All pieces in a permit imprint mailing must be of identical weight unless otherwise authorized by the USPS
  • All pieces in a permit imprint mailing must be faced (i.e., positioned with all addresses in the same direction
  • Mail must be deposited and accepted at the post office that issued the permit

There are some required elements of a permit indicia. They include:

  • Line 1: Class marking
  • Line 2: The words "U.S. Postage Paid"
  • Line 3: City and state where permit is held
  • Line 4: The word "Permit" and your permit number.

Sample indicia

Permit No. 123

Related Technotes:

How to get a USPS permit online

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