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Tech Notes

Pending Periodical maildat Adjustment

If you are presorting a Periodical that does not have official periodical status from the post office (pending periodical) here is what you need to adjust within the maildat files so that when it uploads it shows the post office that it is a Pending Periodical.

maildat.cpt - change the 2 to a 5 in position 80-81

maildat.mpu - change the 2 to a in position 87-88

maildat.mpa - change the P to a T in position 165

Lastly maildat.mpa – move the permit in positions 49-57 to positions 58-65

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I appreciate [AccuZIP support technician] Geoff! He has over and over with a positive attitude given us exceptional support. He is a key asset to us and we are so thankful for him. I just wanted to let you all know that he has so much patience and knowledge. I am sure you know but he is a KEEPER for your company.
K.P., Colorado Springs, CO