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Import Excel files in AccuZIP6

When you cannot open an Excel Document there are special characters in the Excel Document such as Carriage Returns and/or Line Feeds when they save as a flat file such as CSV or TAB Delimited Text, then follow these steps to import into AccuZIP6 5.0 properly:

Double-click on the Excel Document to open in Excel

From the File menu, choose Save As > Other Formats…

From the Save as type: drop-down, select Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook (*.xls) or another format, such as CSV or Text (Tab Delimited).

Click Save.

Open AccuZIP6 5.0 and use File > Open List (or in the Open/Create screen, choose Open a list for the first time) to open the document that you created.

The file will import properly.

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