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Tech Notes

Reverse the Sequence Number when Presorting in Reverse Order

When presorting your database in Reverse Order, the Sequence number is now reversed as well (the first piece in reverse presorted order will be the last record number in your database, reflecting the actual record number of the piece).

Example: If you have 2000 records in your database and you presort in Reverse Order, the first piece to print out will have a Sequence number of 2000 rather than 1.

If you would like to reverse the sequence number so that the first record in reverse order has a Sequence number of 1, do the following:

Exporting out of AccuZIP6

If you are Exporting your file in Presorted Order, select the Sequence field, then in the Expression column, use the following Expression:


Printing directly out of AccuZIP6 with Label Designer

If you are printing directly out of AccuZIP6 and you want the Sequence number to appear on the piece, use this as the expression for the Sequence field in your label template instead of TRANSFORM(VAL(sequence)):


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