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Tech Notes

Export Database as Pipe Delimited Text File

This technote uses the Command feature. Find this feature in AccuZIP6 by pulling down the Edit menu to Command

This command allows you to export your AccuZIP6 Database file as a pipe-delimited ( ) text file. The text file will only have | characters in between each field; no commas will separate the fields. By default, the command will export your data to C:\pipe.txt. Change the path in all three instances of the path being mentioned in the command if you plan on giving the file a different name or if you plan on saving the file to a different location.

The Command


PUBLIC comString





In the Save As box of the Command window, give the command a name, such as Export as Pipe Delimited Text.

Click Run to create the export file.

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I just wanted to let your team know how much I appreciate you. I'm still fairly new at doing mail data processing, and it if weren't for your active support -- even for the not so smart questions -- I probably wouldn't be doing as well in this job as I am now. I have much more to learn as I have seen, but I just wanted to say thank you for your help! You all are wonderful!
T.B., Greenville, SC