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Tech Notes

Export user defined IMpb data

The following instructions incorportate user defined data into the IMpb while exporting:

  1. Presort your database. In the Print Presort window, click on Print Labels.
  2. in Print Settings, click on the Output pull down menu and choose Disk File. Click Continue.
  3. In the Export Setup window, select your export map or select the fields you'd like to export.
  4. Add an extra line to the export and name it impb. Make the width 40.
  5. Expression to Export IMpb Printable Characters:

zip = The name of the field in your database that contains the ZIP or ZIP+4 code
mailerid = 6-digit or 9-digit Mailer ID from a field or in placed quotes, e.g., "123456789"
servicetype = 3-digit IMpb Service Type
serialno = 7-digit unique serial number for 9-digit Mailer ID; 10-digit unique serial number for 6-digit Mailer ID
serialno = can also be the record number, e.g., RECNO().  To start at record number 5000 use RECNO()+4999

Expression to Export IMpb Digits:


Note: Notice the "1" as the last parameter

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I wanted to take a minute to write accolades for your employee Eric Lambeth. I have been calling on Eric for training and help in the Accuzip software since May and I want you to know that from a client standpoint, he is second to none! Eric has gone way above and beyond in helping me learn and navigate your software as well as helping us through some crazy situations we have encountered. It is clearly evident that he knows this software inside and out. It is also evident that Eric loves the customer and is willing to do whatever it takes to help – he has even answered emails and called me on the weekend to help through some stuff I was unsure of! I cannot express enough how wonderful Eric has been for our organization. I will tell you that I came to this organization with a background in BCC software with plans to transition to BCC software. Eric’s knowledge, guidance, training, and willingness to help at all hours of the day/week has sold me on Accuzip! Your software solution is more user friendly and the support staff far exceeds BCC! I am also looking forward to investigating your other software solutions.
S.M., Elmhurst, IL