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Tech Notes

Data Enhancement Services showing 0 Credits

AccuZIP's License Activation and Registration, in addition to the Data Enhancement Services database, are now hosted in cloud instances.

Some Internet Service Providers are blocking attempts to reach those cloud instances due to account-level security settings.

What should be a simple HTTP call to our registration database is instead swapping the IP address at the ISP level and then failing to return the expected response. This can lead to failures to properly register/activate the installation, or show the proper amount of DES Credits.

The most commonly reported ISP performing this change is Comcast/XFinity through their "Security Edge" service on Comcast Business accounts.

If the AccuZIP6 software is returning 0 credits and you were directed to this page by either a support technician or the software itself, these are the steps you'll want to follow:

  1. Log into your Comcast account (by policy, our technical support department is not authorized to log into your ISP account and make changes to it, so this will need to be performed by the account holder).

  2. Either disable the "Edge Security" service within your account settings or add "" as an allowed domain.

Once the service is either no longer making the switch of IP addresses or the domain is allowed through the service, AccuZIP6 will be able to connect to the server and retrieve license and DES Credit information.

Refer to this page on the Comcast Business site for more information on Edge Security and settings:

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I am especially motivated to take time to draw attention to Vince. In two instances, we potentially faced loss of product – significant loss, but thanks to everyone’s efforts, most notably Vince’s, we ended up with minor re-work and zero loss of stock. He’s patient and thorough, knowledgeable and resourceful. And he’s patient – A Big Plus when dealing with me. Long story short, the guy was able to not only produce a solution, but to prove to me the veracity of it. I hung up the phone saving thousands of dollars in catalog stock, not lost but salvaged, and my department had to spend just a wee bit of time on job re-work (which I was happy to do, all things considered). But I also hung up with a peculiar urge to write about Vince, incongruent as that may be since I rarely am moved to write letters of this sort. So… In a time of crisis, Vince was a terrific asset and ally. If I were his boss, I’d attempt a merit raise authorization, he was that exceptional.
H.D., Shawnee Mission, KS