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Tech Notes

Validate Error: No table is open in current work area (Open Window appears after clicking Validate)

If you click on the Validate Records button and that produces an Open window looking for a .dbf file and canceling that window results in this error,
form1.addcolumns line 177
error 52
no table is open in current work area

This could mean you have a damaged or corrupted field.dbf and field.fpt files.

Exit AccuZIP6 and download and extract it into the C:\Program Files\AccuZIP6 5.0\Support folder, replacing the existing files of the same name.

This could also mean you're importing a .dbf file into AccuZIP6 that contains a Numeric type field, and that Numeric type field has a width of over 20 characters. The AccuZIP6 database can have a numeric field be up to 20 characters, so to quickly remedy the issue, pull down the Edit menu to Fields and change the width to 20 or less. Click OK and click Yes, and you'll be able to validate again.

If you have a Numeric type field with over 20 characters and you try to export, you'll get an Illegal Field Length error when attempting to export.

You will also get this error if you have a Company, Address, Address2, City, St or Zip field with a length of 0.

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You guys have the absolute BEST tech support that I have ever seen.
R.J., St. Joseph, MO