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Calculate a prorated cost for any amount

1. Download and extract the file.
2.Extract the "FXP" and "DBF" file to the AccuZIP6 5.0 folder.
3.Extract the "TXT" file to the AccuZIP6 5.0\Commands Folder.
4.Open Any Database.
5.Run the "Prorate" command from the Edit>Command Option.

Change the Start and End Date and the Cost values to see the command give you a Prorated amount.

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You guys truly have the best support and customer service. I wasn't ready to switch software because of the fear of starting over, but you exceeded my expectations in the support and training. AccuZIP is the best & Eric you are so helpful and so knowledgeable. You have gone above and beyond to help me and it's appreciated more than you know. I will always be an AccuZIP customer
C.C., Tucson, AZ