Non-Subscriber vs Subscribers Qualifying for In-County Rates
If you are worried about going over the 50% threshold of Subscribers vs Non-Subscribers for In-County rates, this command can be run on a validated list to monitor your percentages for each mailing.
You would need the subscribe_ logical-type field that is populated with T or F for each record, and make sure to run address validation in AccuZIP6 with the County Code (FIPS) and County name boxes selected.
When you run the command, enter the 5-digit zip that you are mailing from, and you will get a popup with the following message:
cValue=INPUTBOX("Enter the 5 digit ZIP of where you are mailing out of","5-Digit ZIP Code?","") comalias=alias() use (addbs(xDefFldr)+"dmm\_uszips.dbf") in 0 order uszip use in iif(used('_uszips'),select('_uszips'),0) count for (subscribe_)= .T. and allt(countynm_)==allt(countynm) to cSubscribe cRatio= (cNonSubscribe) / (cSubscribe) *100 =messagebox("County ZIP | County Name = " +cValue+" | "+cName+CHR(10)+CHR(10)+; |