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User Group Conference

AccuZIP User Group Featured Speaker Trish Witkowski

World-Class Presenter and Direct Marketing Expert

About Trish:

Trish Witkowski is President and Chief Folding Fanatic at the online print store An educator, author, speaker and award-winning designer, Trish specializes in creative solutions and engagement strategies for direct mail and is the curator of the world's most exciting collection of folded print samples. She hosts the popular e-video series “60-second Super-cool FOLD of the WEEK” and is an instructor for LinkedIn Learning. She has been a brand ambassador for Hewlett-Packard, inspired marketing teams at American Express, and consulted on strategy for ADT, Lowe's and USPS. Trish recently partnered with AccuZIP on the notable “A Journey to Enterprise with AccuZIP & PostcardMania” video project. Trish will be presenting several sessions at World of AccuZIP and available throughout the conference for conversations and consulting as part of the daily Q & A Panels.

Hot topics Trish will cover at the World of AccuZIP User Group Conference

10 Big Ideas: Add WOW to your Print

  • Are your clients feeling uninspired and questioning the future of print? Get them out of their funk with 10 compelling ideas that will help them add a wow-factor to their print! This bold and visual presentation showcases the best of digital and conventional print in 10 fun categories, like adding texture, creating dimension, going wild with ink, using great paper, integrating technology, using creative formats and more. 

Marketing to the Generations

  • One of the greatest challenges facing marketers today is the management of customer relationships across the generations. In this can’t-miss presentation, you’ll learn what is important to each generation, how they communicate, and where their preferences overlap.

The Secrets of Engaging Mail

  • Feeling stale with your direct mail? This power-packed session is filled with direct mail inspiration and advice from the one-and-only Trish Witkowski of Foldfactory. See how to “get it opened,” prevent marketing fatigue and make your mail stand out in the crowd.

"Feeling stale with your Direct Mail? I can help you.” – Trish Witkowski

I have been a loyal customer for 14 years and love your products. During my career as a mailing professional, I have experienced that the mailing industry is in a constant state of change: through technology, equipment, software, postal regulations and automation requirements. During this time, I have always been able to trust and depend on Accuzip software. It is evident Accuzip is always at the forefront of these changes. When our team is having difficulty with a mailing, we know that we can rely on Accuzip tech support to resolve any issue. We have always received excellent customer service. Accuzip software, support and expertise has helped me to develop a professional mailing operation at our University and I could not have done this without you. Your software makes my job successful and less stressful. Thank you!
D.H., Forest Grove, OR