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AccuZIP User Group Featured Speaker Kristen McKiernan


AccuZIP, Inc.

About Kristen:

Kristen McKiernan is President at AccuZIP, Inc. Joining the AccuZIP team in 2001 she has played an active role in the Sales, Support, IT, Operations and Project Management departments, then moving into the role of President in 2015. Kristen will be giving a keynote speech, hosting sessions and the participating in the interactive Q&A panels throughout the World of AccuZIP.

Kristen will be presenting the following sessions at World of AccuZIP

  • Keynote Welcome Speech (What to Expect and Helpful Tips) - Day 1
    • Join AccuZIP President Kristen McKiernan as she welcomes you to the World of AccuZIP. You will be introduced to the Team of AccuZIP staff members and Industry Experts that you will be hearing from throughout the conference as well as a brief overview of what to expect during the next two days. Learn about the state of the industry, what to expect to get out of the conference and why it is important that you have fun while you are here.  You will also learn about the upcoming USPS Promotions and how the mailing industry and AccuZIP is revolutionizing the way businesses, consumers and peer networks like you connect with each other to make: Our Technology – Your Success!
  • AccuEngage for Informed Delivery and 2019 USPS® Promotions
    • Learn how to add a digital experience to your physical mailpieces using the USPS® Informed Delivery Service. In this session you will learn how to set up an Informed Delivery Campaign, upload images and links to the campaign portal, and review pre-campaign and post-campaign analysis reports. The USPS is offering a 2019 Informed Delivery Mailing Promotion. This promotion encourages mailers to adopt the use of Informed Delivery. Participants may create Informed Delivery campaigns through the Portal or submit elements through their eDoc submission. Regular and nonprofit Marketing Mail letters and flats, and First-Class Mail presort or automation letters, cards, and flats that meet the promotion requirements will be eligible for an upfront 2% postage discount during the promotion period of September 1 – November 30th, 2019. AccuZIP was crowned the Grand Champion of the 2018 Next Generation Campaign™ Award for their Informed Delivery Campaign: This is a session any sales manager or marketing director does not want to miss!
  • Welcome to Day 2! (What to expect on the final day)
    • Join AccuZIP President Kristen McKiernan as she welcomes you to the final day of the conference and goes over what to expect on the final day.  Make sure to attend this session to see who is the recipient of the Inaugural "Silver Globe Adventurer Award."

Download the World of AccuZIP APP (coming soon) or reference the Full Conference Schedule for complete session details, times and locations. 

"Our customer partners define who we are as a company and as a culture. I am elated that we have our users, our robust group of AccuZIP team members and some of the most successful industry leaders all together to define one of the most memorable events in the history of AccuZIP."   - Kristen McKiernan

I know that you are already aware of what a great staff you have but I wanted you to hear it from a very happy customer. We've been using Accuzip for just over a year and are really pleased with the product. Every time I contact customer support with a question or problem they are quick to help and every problem has been solved in one session.
R.M., Denver, CO