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User Group Conference

AccuZIP User Group Featured Speaker Joshua Davis

World-Class Presenter and Direct Marketing Expert

World of AccuZIP Presentation: Cyber Security Awareness – Security Concerns and Solutions

About Joshua:

Joshua L. Davis has over 20 years of software and security experience. He began his career as a Research Scientist at the Georgia Tech Research Institute on efforts primarily for the U.S. Department of Defense and federal government.  His research focused on software engineering, test and evaluation, distributed computing, open source software, and cyber security.  Joshua recently left academic research and join a cyber security gaming company where he is applying his expertise globally.  Joshua holds a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from Georgia Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Computer Science.

Joshua will be presenting a session on Cyber Security Awareness at World of AccuZIP and will be available during the conference for conversations and consulting as part of the daily Q&A Panels.

Hot topics Joshua will cover at the World of AccuZIP User Group Conference

Understanding the Real Impact of Cyber Security on My Business

  • Cyber security for most is a mystery and most businesses believe "no one would ever target us?"  Leave with a demystified view of cyber security and its ever increasing importance for your business.

Pragmatically Combating Actual Threats

  • Discover simple processes for the identification of your high priority assets, how to protect them, and techniques to focus on actual threats.

Establishing a Security Minded Culture

  • At the end of the day, the security posture of your organization is established by day to day habits of everyone in the organization.  Your culture is the key to your security.

"Do hackers love your data more than you?  Think evil. Do good!” – Joshua L. Davis

I have been a loyal customer for 14 years and love your products. During my career as a mailing professional, I have experienced that the mailing industry is in a constant state of change: through technology, equipment, software, postal regulations and automation requirements. During this time, I have always been able to trust and depend on Accuzip software. It is evident Accuzip is always at the forefront of these changes. When our team is having difficulty with a mailing, we know that we can rely on Accuzip tech support to resolve any issue. We have always received excellent customer service. Accuzip software, support and expertise has helped me to develop a professional mailing operation at our University and I could not have done this without you. Your software makes my job successful and less stressful. Thank you!
D.H., Forest Grove, OR