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AccuZIP User Group Featured Speaker Terry Crouch

Application Support Manager/Associate Software Developer

AccuZIP, Inc.

About Terry:

Terry Crouch is the Application Support Manager and Associate Software Developer at AccuZIP, Inc.  Terry has been serving customers in the technical department for 19 years.  In the last year he completed a Coding Boot Camp through the University of Texas Center for Professional Education.

Terry will be presenting the following sessions at World of AccuZIP

  • Merge/Purge and Deduping
    • In this session, we'll take the extremely powerful and daunting Merge/Purge feature and simplify it for you. With Merge/Purge, you can extract one list from another, compare several lists and extract only common records, extract a group of lists from one or more address lists, and more. You'll learn the steps to take to accurately perform merge/purge confidently as you understand the "why" behind every move. Become a master extractor during this entertaining session!
Prior to Accuzip we used SAP Postalsoft. We looked for its replacement and chose Accuzip based on testimonials of how great customer service was and on pricing which was very attractive. Best move we've ever made in software and you folks live up to all the good things I heard. I still get calls every 6 months from FirstLogic ( a distributer of the old Postalsoft and others) to see if I'm still happy with Accuzip. I always say the same thing: Yes, very happy. Thanks for checking in.
B.H., Newtown, PA