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Data Quality Solutions

Address Data Quality Solutions

When was the last time you dialed the wrong number and reached the right person?

AccuZIP Data Quality Solutions include software, services, and API's that can be used for the following purposes:

  • CASS Certified™ address validation
  • Update contact data with new change-of-address information
  • Integrate address validation into your own system for batch validation of entire lists or point of entry address validation
  • Perform address standardization and correction during address entry on your website
  • Enhance your existing contact data with deceased suppression, third party change-of-address, residential delivery indicator, DSF2®, and apartment append

Choose a Data Quality product on the left to learn more.

AccuZIP Data Tips with Trish Witkowski

Data Tips Quick Guide (PDF)

Data Quality Learning Center

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I was looking for an easy to use all-in-one postal software solution and was working with Satori Software. They quoted me $10,000.00 which was out of the realm of our budget. I was also lead to believe that they were the only solution, until I found Accuzip. I was able to save my company over $9,000.00 with one phone call to your courteous and knowledgeable sales staff. Your product does everything that we need and much much more. Thank you Accuzip!
J.S., Newark, OH