Are you a Real Estate Agent or Broker looking for a Mailing List?
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Are you a Real Estate Agent or Broker looking for a Mailing List?

A realtor signing a contract with a client

Find the perfect next Buyer or Seller by Targeting the Right Audience with Quality Lists, Fresh Prospects and Obtain Free Counts in Real-Time!


Identifying the most relevant leads within a specific geographic area or the right demographics can be time-consuming. With BuyLists, dive into detailed targeting with hundreds of available filters and easy to use mapping options like rectangles, polygons, and custom selects. Visually pinpoint your desired audience for an ultra-focused approach.


Outdated or incorrect data can lead to wasted resources and ineffective campaigns. Obtain high-quality data with comprehensive property details and owner information including names, addresses, and phone numbers. BuyLists identifies and corrects errors and inconsistencies in the data. Our goal is to provide the best data quality and usability of our names and addresses using proprietary techniques that run in real-time.


Keeping your mailing lists up-to-date and removing duplicates or invalid entries requires ongoing effort and resources. BuyLists provides new data on a weekly basis that is verified by the USPS and includes the National Change of Address Service so you will never mail to a prospects' old address. BuyLists prides itself on “quality over quantity” so you can remain confident that you are mailing to a list with fresh, qualified leads.

Financial Services

Fuel your financial success with our targeted mailing lists designed for the financial services industry. Read more...


Stay healthy in your marketing efforts with our specialized healthcare mailing lists. Read more...


Make a difference with our mailing lists tailored to the unique needs of nonprofits. Read more...


Drive your marketing forward with our automotive mailing lists that rev up your outreach. Read more...

Hospitality and Tourism

Take your hospitality and tourism business to new heights with our mailing lists tailored for travelers. Read more...


Unlock opportunities in education with our mailing lists that connect you to students, educators, and institutions. Read more...

B2B (Business-to-Business)

Forge profitable partnerships with our B2B mailing lists designed to help businesses connect and grow. Read more...


Boost your online presence and sales with our tailored e-commerce mailing lists, perfect for online retailers. Read more...


Elevate your retail game and expand your customer base with our comprehensive mailing lists. Read more...