Are you a Business to Business (B2B) looking for a Mailing List to use for lead generation, product launches and building relationships with other businesses?
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Are you a Business to Business (B2B) looking for a Mailing List to use for lead generation, product launches and building relationships with other businesses?

Business meeting between a business and a client at a table

Obtain Targeted Mailing Lists to generate new leads, announce product launches and build relationships with - Quality Lists, Fresh Contacts, Obtain Free Counts and download lists in Real-Time!


Accurate and up-to-date mailing lists ensure that marketing efforts are directed at the right businesses. This is crucial for lead generation, product launches, and relationship building, as reaching the wrong audience can lead to wasted resources and missed opportunities. With BuyLists, dive into detailed targeting with hundreds of available filters such as Executive Titles, Fortune 100 Indicators, Sales Numbers, Franchise Codes, SIC, NAICS, Public or Private Indicators, Number of Employees and more! Our easy to use mapping options like rectangles, polygons, and custom selects ensure you get the target businesses and audiences closest to your desired location. Use these advanced options to pinpoint your desired audience for an ultra-focused approach.


B2B marketing often targets specific decision-makers within organizations. Current mailing lists help ensure that direct mail reaches the current decision-makers, as roles and personnel can change frequently in businesses. BuyLists can identify All Executives or Executives by Title such as CEO, Board Member, General Manager and more. BuyLists can effectively segment businesses and decision-makers which is essential for personalized and effective outreach.


To accurately measure the response rate and ROI of direct mail campaigns, B2B companies need current and reliable data. This assists in evaluating the effectiveness of marketing strategies and guiding future decisions. Businesses need to balance the cost against the potential return on investment. BuyLists lessens this concern with our flat pricing model. At .03 cents per record for single-use, no minimum and free counts before purchasing, mailing lists no longer need to take up a huge portion of your advertising budget. BuyLists is extremely cost effective. Improve ROI for your direct mail and B2B campaigns by lowering your list costs with BuyLists.

Financial Services

Transform your financial services marketing with BuyLists, pinpointing the most relevant leads through advanced filtering and mapping options. Read more...


Elevate healthcare marketing effectiveness with BuyLists, identifying your ideal patient demographics and geographic locations for targeted outreach. Read more...


Maximize your nonprofit impact with BuyLists, strategically targeting supportive demographics and communities for greater engagement. Read more...


Drive automotive marketing success with BuyLists, using detailed targeting to reach your ideal customer demographics and locations. Read more...

Hospitality and Tourism

Boost your hospitality and tourism business with BuyLists, precisely targeting travel enthusiasts through custom demographic and geographic filters. Read more...


Advance your educational initiatives with BuyLists, targeting the right demographic and geographic areas for maximum student and educator engagement. Read more...

Real Estate

Revolutionize your real estate marketing with BuyLists, accurately pinpointing buyers and sellers in specific geographic areas with tailored demographics. Read more...


Elevate your e-commerce strategy with BuyLists, expertly targeting ideal online shoppers through hundreds of filters and mapping options. Read more...


Enhance your retail marketing precision with BuyLists, tapping into a world of targeted demographics and geographic areas for the perfect audience. Read more...