The Postal Service announced that they are presenting a series of webinars to review the upcoming price and classification changes which become effective May 31, 2015. AccuZIP is dedicated to making the transition as seamless for your operations as possible but these webinars will be useful to explain the changes and help all mailers going forward. Please read the full announcement and posted time schedule in the Industry Alert below:
Please join the United States Postal Service Pricing team for an overview of the upcoming price and classification changes, effective May 31, 2015.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015 (1:00pm EDT) – all mail classes
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 (1:00pm EDT) – Periodicals mailers only
Thursday, May 14, 2015 (1:00pm EDT) – all mail classes (repeat of 5/12/15)
The attendance is limited to the first 500 participants (Periodicals is limited to 250 participants), so we ask your cooperation in having multiple attendees log-in from one computer in a conference room, if possible. Please note that webinars scheduled for May 12 and May 14 are identical for those that may be unable to attend one or the other.
The recorded webinars will be available on the Industry Outreach, Webinar Archives tab on the RIBBs website as soon as the recording is received from Webex.
Please see instructions to participate below:
Attendee Information
Tuesday, May 12, 2015 (1:00pm EDT)
May 2015 Price Change (all classes)
US/Canada Attendee Dial-in: (866) 381-9870
Conference ID: 38308730
Attendee Direct URL:
If you cannot join using the direct link above, please use the alternate logins below:
Alternate URL:
Event Number: 997 223 439
Attendee Information
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 (1:00pm EDT)
May 2015 Price Change (Periodicals only)
US/Canada Attendee Dial-in: (866) 381-9870
Conference ID: 38308746
Attendee Direct URL:
If you cannot join using the direct link above, please use the alternate logins below:
Alternate URL:
Event Number: 998 605 030
Attendee Information
Thursday, May 14, 2015 (1:00pm EDT)
May 2015 Price Change (all classes) US/Canada Attendee Dial-in: (866) 381-9870
Conference ID: 38308747
Attendee Direct URL:
If you cannot join using the direct link above, please use the alternate logins below:
Alternate URL:
Event Number: 998 575 814 ______________________________________________________________________________