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Remove last word from a field


This command will remove the last word in a field. The word "fieldname" in the command syntax below should be changed to the actual field name you want the last word removed from. This command will not affect records that contain only one word in "fieldname". You can adjust the ">0" clause so the command only acts on records with "n" numbers of spaces. Example, change ">0" to "=3" and the command will only affect records that contain "3" spaces (examples shown below).

The Command At Work

Before Command After Command
Before running command
After running command

The Command

Copy this command, then paste it into the large text area of the command window:

Replace fieldname with left(fieldname,rat(" ",alltrim(fieldname))) for occur(" ",alltrim(fieldname))>0

After clicking RUN, the excess data will be stripped from the field of choice, helping clean up the field.

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Your technical support people have been wonderful. I want to thank you for all your help. Accuzip6 is really a first rate organization.
K.H., Winchester, VA