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AccuZIP List Purchase Fields and Refund Policy

Your Credit Card will be charged for the Total list purchase amount and the list(s)/Pay-Per-Use job you configured will be purchased and made available to you for download after the secure transaction has been approved.

Please note that our refund policy does not cover charges for lists purchased with mistakenly chosen criteria, assumed field outputs, delayed download links, nor Pay-Per-Use mailings processed with presort/job parameters incorrectly specified by the user.

There are no refunds on list purchases or Pay-Per-Use Mailings. All available fields are listed below. 


If you decide to select the Resident/Occupant demographic filter, be aware that you will not get names in your list. The values in the name field will be Resident/Occupant instead of first and last names. However, Resident/Occupant lists actually include more addresses in the list, as the address is known, but the individual name may not be.
Do not select Resident/Occupant if you need first and last names.


If you are looking to purchase a list of names and addresses, do not select GENERATE AN EDDM LIST. Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) does not include names or addresses.  What is EDDM?


For questions or assistance on Pay-Per-Use job configuration, settings, or Mailing List selection criteria and output, please contact our support department through any of these support channels prior to completing the transaction:

AccuZIP List Creation Data Dictionaries  Download the AccuZIP Data Dictionaries

The codes mentioned in the field definitions below are explained in the data dictionaries

AccuZIP Direct Mail List Fields

Business Fields in BOLD
First First Name
Middle Middle Name
Last Last Name
Gender Gender
Title Job Title
Company Company name
Address Street address
City City name
St State
County County name
Phone Telephone number
Executive Email Email address
Married Marital Status
Age Contact Age
Income Income in US Dollars
Residency Residence status
HomeValue Value of Home
HomeLnInt Home Loan Interest
HomeStatus Home Status
eLatitude Latitude coordinate of address
eLongitude Longitude coordinate of address
Recid Record ID
Employees Number of Employees at business
Sales Annual Sales
NAICS 6 digit code representing business classification
NAICSdesc NAICS Code Description 
YearEst Year Established
Credit Credit Rating
Website Website address
Accounting_Expenses_Code Accounting Expense Code
Advertising_Expense_Code Advertising Expense Code
Animals_pets Which pets are present in home
Arts_History_Science Interests related to these subjects
Beauty_Fashion Interests related to Beauty and Fashion
BusinessInsurance_Expenses_Code Business Insurance Expenses Code
CBSA Code Core-Based Statistical Area Code
Career_Self_Improvement Self Improvement Interests
Children_Present_Flag Flag indicating the presence of children
Collectibles_and_Antiques Collectibles information
Computer_And_Video_Games_Puzzles Interests relating to these subjects
Cooking_Food Interests relating to cooking
County_Population_Code County Population Code
Credit_Card_Mail_Order_Buyers Indicates purchases with credit card through mail order
Distance_Code Distance Code
Donor Donor
Family_Religion_Politics Interests relating to these subjects
Filing_Type Tax filing type
Fortune_1000_Indicator Fortune 1000 indicator
Franchise_Code_Type Franchise Code Type
Green_Living Green Living Interest
Health_and_Fitness Interests relating to these subjects
Hobby_Interest Hobbies
Home_Dwelling_Type_Code Home 
Home_Equity_Available_Code Home Equity Availability
Home_Loan_To_Value_Code Home Loan To Value Code
Import_Export Import Export business
Ind_Household_Rank_Code Household Ranking
Investing_Finance Investing
Legal_Expenses_Code Legal Expenses
Location_Level Location
Manufacturing Manufacturing Business
Median_Home_Income_Code Median Home Income
Median_Home_Value_Code Median Home Value
Motor_Vehicles Motor Vehicle Information
Movie_Music Interests relating to movies and music
NetWorth_Code Net Worth
Non_Profit Not for profit organization
Number_of_PCs_Code Number of PC's
OfficeEquipment_Expense_Code Expenses for office equipment
Outdoor Enthusiast Interests relating to outdoor activities
Political_Affiliation_Donor Political party donor
Public Public
Rent_Expense_Code Rent Expenses
SOHO Small Office Home Office
Small_Business Small Business Designator
Square_Footage_Code Square Footage Code
Suffix Name Suffix
Technology_Expense_Code Technology Expense Code
Telecom_Expense_Code Telecommunications Expense Code
Toll_Free_Indicator Toll Free number indicator
Utilities_Expenses_Code Utilities Expenses Code
Vehicle_Owned_Code Vehicle Owned Code
Women_Owned Women Owned business designator
SICS Standard Industrial Classification 4-digit code identifies business category
SICSdesc SICS category description
sal Name salutation, i.e. Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.
crrt Carrier Route
barcode ZIP+4+Delivery Point+Check Digit
dpv_ Delivery Point Validation codes
vacant_ Vacancy flag
dfl_ Deceased flag
dfldate_ Deceased date
dflcode_ Deceased match code

AccuZIP List Creation Data Dictionaries

Download the AccuZIP Data Dictionaries

I can't tell you how much I appreciate the awesome tech support you guys give. I am NEVER going back to postal soft... you guys have spoiled me.
M.D., Paradise, CA