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ANKLink® Module

Get an Extra 30 Months of Change of Address Data

The ANKLink Module is an enhancement to the existing 18 month NCOALink® process. The existing 18 month NCOALink process provides change-of-address information for moves that have occurred in the past 18 months. ANKLink, which stands for "Address Not Known", will enable you to acquire an additional 30 months of change-of-address information. The ANKLink data will not return the new address, but will flag every move that has occurred in months 19-48, along with the move effective date, return code, and match type.

ANKLink will allow you and your clients to make informed decisions regarding a specific name and address. If the data indicates the customer has moved in months 19-48, the mailer may choose to suppress the records from the list. Otherwise, the mailer could attempt to determine the actual new address by seeking the services of an NCOALink Full Service Provider licensee. ANKLink has the potential to considerably reduce the production of UAA (undeliverable as addressed) mail, which reduces preparation and postage costs.

With AccuMUV48 you can now receive the same move effective date, return code, and match type for all moves that have occurred in months 19-48, just as you would from an NCOALink Full Service Provider Licensee. Any move that occurred in months 19-48 that has new address information on file is flagged in your database so that those specific records can be sent to an NCOALink Full Service Provider licensee for the new address information if you desire. Otherwise, you can suppress the records from your database so that you do not mail to the potential moves!

Think about the potentially thousands of dollars you could save in processing fees alone on LEGACY LISTS if you first process each list through our Licensed NCOALink with ANKLink unlimited access service using the new upgrade to AccuMUV48.

To place an order or learn more about ANKLink, call 800-233-0555, click on Live Chat at the top of this page, or fill out the form below.

AccuZIP Inc. is a nonexclusive Limited Service Provider Licensee o f the United States Postal Service (USPS®). Its product and service prices are neither established, controlled, nor approved by the USPS. The following trademarks are owned by the United States Postal Service: USPS, ANKLink, NCOALink , United States Postal Service, CASS, PAVE, CASS Certified, USPS Marketing Mail, First-Class Mail.

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First the kudos. Accuzip, already the best, is even better with the new CASS speed. I don't know how you did it but it is fast, fast, fast!
C.P., Houston, TX