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NCOALink® 48-Month

Unlimited 48-Month NCOALink Move Update Processing

There are 86 address changes every minute of every day throughout the year. That’s over 40 million moves per year! Begin capturing ALL of these moves today.

Like our pricing for 18-month NCOALink service, the 48-month service pricing is a FLAT FEE for real-time* unlimited record and file processing. Process files 24/7/365 by turning on the process in existing scripts and generate comprehensive Move Update reports directly out of AccuZIP. Users can process files 24/7/365 by turning on the process in existing scripts and generate comprehensive Move Update reports directly out of AccuZIP.

The USPS® National Change of Address (NCOALink) database is a secure dataset of approximately 160 million permanent change‐of‐address records consisting of the names and addresses of individuals, families, and businesses. There are 86 address changes every minute of every day throughout the year. That’s over 40 million moves per year or roughly 17% of the U.S. population. In 2013, 6.8 billion pieces of mail were identified as UAA, or undeliverable as addressed, by the USPS. That means nearly 5% of all mail was UAA, costing marketers, and the USPS, an estimated $613 billion in losses. By offering the NCOALink 48‐month Move Update service, AccuZIP has added another important step in the process to ensure that no step is missed in the data hygiene process. AccuZIP believes process is key and that data maintenance is a lifestyle, not an event. Customers are encouraged to run their databases through CASS™, NCOALink (both 18- and 48‐month), and ACOA to achieve their best results and always update the original data source.

About the Process:

A random and unique 32-bit password is also used to provide rock-solid security to the file.  No user-identifiers are provided with the file so hackers could never identify the file as coming from a particular source.

No private information is included in the file, other than the name/firm and standardized address for creating hash-values for NCOALink lookup purposes only.  All information is processed in memory and deleted from memory when the file is completed processing.  Only COA result data, not the original data is transmitted back in an encrypted and compressed format so there is no "link" between the original data and the new data during upload/download.

A "key" file that resides on the customers computer is the only way the original data can be updated with the new COA data, thus rendering the individual files useless.  

Before the information leaves your location, the file is encrypted using 128 bit encryption and compressed 10:1 using WinZip compression algorithm.  All of the encrypted data is secured with two unique passwords, randomly generated using 32-bit password creation algorithm.   Each file name is unique, randomly generated and anonymous.  
All files must be uploaded in its entirety as our decryption software does a bit-by bit analysis of each file during decryption to ensure that the entire file has been uploaded properly.  After the data is completely uploaded, the file is decrypted and processed through our licensed NCOALink service. There is never any human interaction and the files are always processed automatically and anonymously.

When the NCOALink process is completed, the national-change-of-address (NCOA) result records are encrypted and password protected using the same technology as above, then uploaded back to your computer where they are decrypted and the data is updated automatically with no user interaction.  A typical file of 100,000 records through our NCOA18 would take approximately 1-minute to process, if you add the NCOA48 to that it would add approximately another 1-2 minutes to the total time.
It took us nearly one year to get our Electronic and Physical Security approved by the USPS.  Our concern for security is the same as yours.  We take great pride in the level of integrity, security and anonymity of our Licensed NCOALink system.

Contact an AccuZIP Sales Representative at 800-233-0555 or click on Live Chat at the top of this page to add this valuable service today!

*real-time indicates that we receive our updates weekly from the USPS®

Learn More About NCOALink
48-Month Service

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J.F., Worcester, MA