Compare AccuZIP6 to the Competition
Feature | AccuZIP6® Business | Bulk Mailer® SMB | BCC Mail Manager® |
Mail.dat™ File Creation for eDoc and Full-Service Mailings | $0 (Reg. $795) | $750 | $1,350 |
Product Initial Cost (1st Year) | REALLY LOW! CALL US! | $2,620 | $3,500 |
Price Lock Guarantee1 | |||
Mailings Per Month | Unlimited | Less than 30 | Unlimited |
Amount Mailed Per Month | Unlimited | Less than 200,000 | Unlimited |
Average Mailing Size | More than 10,000 | Less than 10,000 | More than 10,000 |
Number of User Defined Fields | Over 200 | 22 or less | Over 200 |
Residential Delivery Indicator (RDI) | $525 | ||
Unlimited real-time access to our Licensed NCOALink® move update service2 | $1,045 | $1,245 | |
Technical Support | Unlimited | Limited | Limited |
Individual and Group Training | |||
GOLD PAVE™ Certified postal presorting | |||
First-Class Mail®, USPS Marketing Mail® (Standard Mail®), and Periodicals | |||
Advanced Presort - Every Door Direct Mail® list creation and presorting | |||
Advanced Presort - Intelligent Mail® barcode (Full and Basic) | |||
Advanced Presort - Bound Printed Matter, Flats, Irregular Parcels, Machinable Parcels | $1,260 | ||
Advanced Presort - Periodical Firm Packaging | $1,500 | ||
ZIP + 4®, CRRT, eLOT®, Last Line, Suite Data, Barcodes | |||
Merge/Purge across multiple lists | $1,260 | $1,500 | |
Scripting | $2,500 | ||
Script Monitor for unattended operation |
1 Price Lock Guarantee: As long as you remain a customer in good standing, we guarantee your renewal cost will never increase!**
2 AccuZIP Inc. receives weekly NCOALink updates.
**Price Lock Guarantee (PLG) Terms:
- Account must pay by the Due Date on Maintenance Agreement.
- If Maintenance Agreement is paid before software expiration date but after the due date, PLG does not apply. Account is renewed at the stated pricing on the maintenance agreement for this period but will pay the new renewal pricing the next time account is up for renewal.
- If Account is renewed after the software expiration date, but before one year, Account pays the new renewal price.
- If Account renews one or more years after the Account Expiration Date, Account must repurchase the software at the new pricing.