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July 2024 Market Dominant Price Change Filing Webinar

April 17, 2024

April 17, 2024, at 12:00 pm

On April 9th, the United States Postal Service filed notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) of price changes to take effect July 2024.

Fiona Machado, Acting Director, Mailing and Services Pricing will lead a webinar to provide an overview of the July Market Dominant Price Change filing today, April 17 at 12:00 pm (EST).

Attendees will have the opportunity to submit questions to the panel during the webinar via the chat box.  However, if you would like to submit your questions before the webinar, you can send them to  Please note: If you are unable to attend the webinar, the presentation will be recorded and posted on PostalPro.

The recording and presentation slides from the webinar presented on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, by Fiona Machado, Acting Director, Mailing and Services Pricing, is now available on PostalPro at  Industry Forum Webinars and Presentations | PostalPro ( or

As requested, the IMbA FAQs are also posted.  Responses to the questions asked during the webinar will be posted soon.

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I have been a loyal customer for 14 years and love your products. During my career as a mailing professional, I have experienced that the mailing industry is in a constant state of change: through technology, equipment, software, postal regulations and automation requirements. During this time, I have always been able to trust and depend on Accuzip software. It is evident Accuzip is always at the forefront of these changes. When our team is having difficulty with a mailing, we know that we can rely on Accuzip tech support to resolve any issue. We have always received excellent customer service. Accuzip software, support and expertise has helped me to develop a professional mailing operation at our University and I could not have done this without you. Your software makes my job successful and less stressful. Thank you!
D.H., Forest Grove, OR