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Update: Informed Delivery Promotion Performance Issue PostalOne! System Mail.dat Mailings

July 30, 2024

The United States Postal Service has identified an issue delaying processing of Mail.dat jobs claiming the Informed Delivery promotion. Mail.dat jobs that exceed two (2) million pieces and claim the Informed Delivery Promotion are taking longer to process. The United States Postal Service is working to resolve this performance issue. Mailers are requested to split jobs into jobs with up to one (1) million pieces and claim Informed Delivery Promotion. A fix is scheduled for Sunday, August 4, 2024.

The following process is impacted

  • Mailings claiming Informed Delivery promotion based on Informed Delivery Campaign data from Informed Delivery Campaign Portal (MCP).

Note: The mailings claiming Informed Delivery promotion via the Mail.dat RMS, RMR or Mail.XML CampaignData files are not impacted by this performance issue.

Proposed Workaround: Split larger mailing jobs claiming Informed Delivery promotion into no more than one (1) million pieces.

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We really like this software. It is good stuff. I can smile and say that - more than a year after we started using it!
T.M., Charlotte, NC