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Important Notice

Sales Tax Compliance

AccuZIP, Inc. is complying with the sales tax laws from the US Supreme Court decision South Dakota vs. Wayfair.  As a result, we will be collecting and remitting sales tax in many states where we have not previously been required to collect and remit prior to the US Supreme Court decision.  We wanted to be proactive and make our customer partners aware of this new law and our compliance.

It used to be that states could only tax sales by businesses with a physical presence in the state. Now economic activity in a state can trigger a sales tax collection obligation. Economic nexus is based entirely on sales revenue, transaction volume, or a combination of both. The taxing of our products and services is not nationally universal.  Some states tax all our products and services. Other states tax only a portion of our products and services.

If you would like to learn more about why AccuZIP, Inc. is charging sales tax and how you can possibly avoid it, please take the time to familiarize yourself with the sales tax laws by contacting the taxing authority in your state.  Here is a useful link for sales tax information.

I just wanted you to know what a pleasure it is to work with your support staff.
J.F., Worcester, MA