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AMEX® Member Favorite

AccuZIP is an American Express® Member Favorite!

American Express® Member Favorites are businesses that American Express customers trust.

Being a Member Favorite means that AccuZIP admirably serves American Express® customers time and again and that they "favor" our business. So when you spend your money with AccuZIP, you can rest easy knowing you're in good company and you'll be treated right!

Who are American Express® Member Favorites?

Member Favorites are hand-selected by American Express® because card members choose to spend their money with these businesses again and again. These businesses also have certain qualities that make them stand a head above other businesses in their peer group.

AccuZIP is an American Express Card Member FavoriteTo be chosen as a Member Favorite, a business must:

  • Have less than $3 million in American Express® volume over 12 months
  • Have less than 25 locations
  • Not be a franchise
  • Have accepted American Express® cards for at least 2 years
  • Be in the restaurant, retail or service industries
  • Be located in DMAs with at least 1 million spending American Express® Cards

You Know, When God created the Seven Wonders of the world, He created another one called AccuZIP!! Thank You for all your help!
R.B., Omaha, NE